Top 25 Fun and Easy Holiday Activities for Kids: Things to Do in the Holidays | Suryadatta National School

Top 25 Fun and Easy Holiday Activities for Kids: Things to Do in the Holidays


The holiday season is a wonderful time for kids to take a break from their regular routines, relax, and have fun. However, it’s important to keep them engaged and entertained during this period to make the most of their time off.

In this blog, we will explore 25 exciting and educational holiday activities for kids that will not only keep them entertained but also help them learn and grow.

Fun and Educational Holiday Activities for Kids:

Outdoor Holiday Activities for Kids:

Nature Scavenger Hunt: Encourage kids to explore the outdoors and connect with nature by creating a scavenger hunt where they can find items like leaves, rocks, or feathers.

Obstacle Course: Set up a fun and challenging obstacle course in the backyard or a nearby park, including jumping over hurdles, crawling under ropes, and balancing on beams.

Picnic: Plan a delightful picnic in a scenic location, complete with delicious snacks and games to enjoy with family and friends.

Water Balloon Games: Beat the summer heat with water balloon games like toss-and-catch, relay races or water balloon fights that provide loads of excitement and laughter.

Bubble Fun: Let kids have a blast blowing and chasing bubbles, promoting their hand-eye coordination, and nurturing their imagination.

Indoor Holiday Activities for Kids:

Board Games: Gather the family for a friendly board game competition, fostering critical thinking, strategy, and bonding.

Arts and Crafts: Engage kids in various arts and crafts projects such as painting, drawing, or making handmade cards, allowing them to explore their creativity.

Movie Day: Organize a cosy movie day at home with a selection of family-friendly movies and homemade popcorn, creating a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.

Storytelling: Encourage kids to create and narrate their own stories, either individually or as a group, stimulating their imagination, language skills, and self-expression.

Karaoke Party: Let kids showcase their singing talent with a karaoke session, boosting their confidence and providing an entertaining and interactive experience.

Educational Holiday Activities for Kids:

Science Experiments: Conduct simple science experiments using everyday household items, sparking curiosity, and nurturing a love for scientific exploration.

Cooking and Baking: Involve kids in the kitchen, teaching them basic cooking and baking skills while creating delicious treats, fostering their creativity and developing a sense of accomplishment.

Learning a New Language: Introduce kids to a new language through interactive apps, online courses, or language learning games, expanding their cultural awareness and cognitive abilities.

Reading Challenge: Encourage kids to embark on a reading challenge by setting goals and rewarding their progress, fostering a love for reading, improving vocabulary, and enhancing their imagination.

Puzzle Time: Engage kids in puzzles, brainteasers, and Sudoku, challenging their problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and logical reasoning. 

Seasonal Holiday Activities for Kids:

Christmas Crafts: Embrace the festive spirit by creating handmade ornaments or decorations for Christmas, involving kids in the joy of crafting and personalizing their creations.

Halloween Costume Making: Spark creativity and excitement by helping kids design and make their own Halloween costumes, encouraging imaginative play and self-expression.

Easter Egg Decorating: Engage kids in the traditional activity of decorating Easter eggs, allowing them to showcase their artistic skills and celebrate the holiday.

Valentine’s Day Card Making: Encourage kids to make personalized cards for their loved ones on Valentine’s Day, fostering creativity, empathy, and the spirit of giving.

Fourth of July Parade: Organize a mini-parade with friends or neighbours, decorating bikes or wagons with patriotic colours and celebrating the spirit of independence.

Virtual Holiday Activities for Kids:

Online Games and Quizzes: Engage kids in educational online games and quizzes that promote learning while keeping them entertained.

Virtual Tours of Museums and Zoos: Take virtual tours of renowned museums and zoos worldwide, allowing kids to explore different cultures, wildlife, and historical artefacts.

Video Calls with Friends and Family: Encourage kids to connect with friends and family through video calls, fostering social connections, and creating cherished memories.

Online Classes and Workshops: Enroll kids in online classes or workshops that cater to their interests, providing them with an opportunity to learn something new and develop their skills.

Virtual Talent Show: Organize a virtual talent show where kids can showcase their talents, whether it’s singing, dancing, playing an instrument, or performing a magic trick, boosting their confidence and providing a platform for self-expression. 

Benefits of Holiday Activities for Kids:

Engaging in holiday activities offers numerous benefits for kids:

Promotes physical and mental health: Outdoor activities provide opportunities for physical exercise, while educational and creative pursuits stimulate mental well-being.

Fosters social and emotional growth: Participating in group activities or connecting virtually with others fosters social skills, empathy, and emotional intelligence.

Encourages learning and exploration: Holiday activities provide opportunities for kids to learn new things, explore their interests, and develop new skills.

Strengthens family bonds: Engaging in activities together as a family strengthens relationships, creates cherished memories, and fosters a sense of belonging.

Are you ready to make this holiday season unforgettable for your kids? Embrace the joy of learning and fun with our top 25 holiday activities! Discover the magic of spending quality time with your children and creating lasting memories together.

Join the Suryadatta National School community and explore the endless possibilities that await your child’s growth and development. Visit our website to learn more about our unique and holistic approach to education.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of a nurturing and inspiring learning environment. Fill out the form on our website to schedule a school tour and discover why Suryadatta National School is the perfect place for your child’s educational journey.

Let’s embark on an exciting journey of exploration and learning this holiday season! We can’t wait to welcome you to our Suryadatta National School family.

Remember, the best moments in life are made when we spend time together. Start creating beautiful memories with your kids today!